Paragraph Text. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Cras, dapibus ac facilisis in, meet head chef - Donte Owens.
Those of you who already know about the incredible healing potential of surrogate tapping, this is what you have been waiting and asking for. Maybe you experienced it in one of my early Clinical EFT training workshops, when I used to close the 4 days with a session. We'd get someone from the group who was experiencing some kind of stubborn pain to volunteer. They'd tell us all their symptoms and other details while we all madly took notes. Then, we'd shoo them out the door to take a 45 minute walk in the sunshine while we, as a group, sent healing to them with surrogate group tapping. When the volunteer returned, there would often be amazement all around as not only were their pain symptoms reduced or gone, wondrous things had been experienced like rushes of heat or tingling at the site of the pain - and often it would turn out that an overwhelming tiredness had come over them suddenly, forced them to sit on the grass fighting the urge to sleep, and then lifted just as suddenly it had come over them...
But the thing that used to amaze everyone the most was the way things that had spontaneously occurred to us while we were tapping for this person we had only met 4 days ago - "there was a fight with someone" and "she felt like no one stood up for her" or "someone passed away. So much grief still in her solar plexus" - turned out when quizzing them afterwards to be 100% accurate! Something very special was going on.
Over the years, I have often been asked by clients working with me if we can do a surrogate session for a loved one. Perhaps a child too young to tap. Or an elderly parent who is suffering but not open minded enough to try it. Or a friend who is disabled and can't tap. Even a partner struggling with something they're too afraid to tap on. As with the group sessions in the trainings, these have been remarkable experiences for myself, the client - and the person we surrogate tapped for.
For a long time, I have been thinking there must be a way to get something going for people, some kind of structure that helps people experience the power of surrogate tapping - especially now that I no longer have time to do it in my workshops. Then, the pandemic hit and as I watched exhausted front line health workers in a state of near collapse and overwhelm around the world, I had the same thought I so often have when I see suffering on my TV or computer screen: "I wish I could tap with that person and help them!"
And so the idea for this club was born...
But the thing that used to amaze everyone the most was the way things that had spontaneously occurred to us while we were tapping for this person we had only met 4 days ago - "there was a fight with someone" and "she felt like no one stood up for her" or "someone passed away. So much grief still in her solar plexus" - turned out when quizzing them afterwards to be 100% accurate! Something very special was going on.
Over the years, I have often been asked by clients working with me if we can do a surrogate session for a loved one. Perhaps a child too young to tap. Or an elderly parent who is suffering but not open minded enough to try it. Or a friend who is disabled and can't tap. Even a partner struggling with something they're too afraid to tap on. As with the group sessions in the trainings, these have been remarkable experiences for myself, the client - and the person we surrogate tapped for.
For a long time, I have been thinking there must be a way to get something going for people, some kind of structure that helps people experience the power of surrogate tapping - especially now that I no longer have time to do it in my workshops. Then, the pandemic hit and as I watched exhausted front line health workers in a state of near collapse and overwhelm around the world, I had the same thought I so often have when I see suffering on my TV or computer screen: "I wish I could tap with that person and help them!"
And so the idea for this club was born...
- Naomi Janzen,
Accredited Advanced Clinical EFT Practitioner and Trainer for Evidence-Based EFT and Master Trainer for EFT International |
To form a community of tappers that regularly meet on Zoom, harnessing the power of group intention, energy, and surrogate EFT to distance-tap for anyone from public figures - helping the world by healing its influencers - to the clients and loved ones they want to help, who cannot tap for themselves.
The chance to channel powerful healing to someone you can't tap directly with.
Be the focus. Or direct the focus. Once in each cycle, it's your turn. The group you are in gives you the chance to decide who you will all tap for. Do you have an issue you haven't been able to make progress on, that you would like the power of the group applied to? Do you have a person in your life that you want to help by surrogate tapping for them?
Borrowed Benefits every time!
Even when it's someone else's turn, access the power of group Borrowed Benefits by simply tuning in before the session to what you want to work on and mentally setting the intention to receive healing. Then give your full attention to the surrogate session and afterwards, notice the difference.
Learn how to do surrogate tapping from an expert
The monthly all-member live group sessions are all conducted by Naomi Janzen, Certified Expert Practitioner and Level 3 Clinical EFT Trainer.
Be part of a community
Members in this club are already all familiar with EFT - and share your understanding of the way energy transcends time and space. This makes it a very powerful community of healers from all walks of life, the world over.
Serious value
When clients ask me to surrogate tap for a loved one, I charge them my normal hourly session rate - close to $200. For one hour. For just one person doing the surrogate tapping. Two if the client taps with me. Compare that to what you pay in this club to have a whole group of people tapping for an hour on your loved one! Powerful and affordable.
Be the focus. Or direct the focus. Once in each cycle, it's your turn. The group you are in gives you the chance to decide who you will all tap for. Do you have an issue you haven't been able to make progress on, that you would like the power of the group applied to? Do you have a person in your life that you want to help by surrogate tapping for them?
Borrowed Benefits every time!
Even when it's someone else's turn, access the power of group Borrowed Benefits by simply tuning in before the session to what you want to work on and mentally setting the intention to receive healing. Then give your full attention to the surrogate session and afterwards, notice the difference.
Learn how to do surrogate tapping from an expert
The monthly all-member live group sessions are all conducted by Naomi Janzen, Certified Expert Practitioner and Level 3 Clinical EFT Trainer.
Be part of a community
Members in this club are already all familiar with EFT - and share your understanding of the way energy transcends time and space. This makes it a very powerful community of healers from all walks of life, the world over.
Serious value
When clients ask me to surrogate tap for a loved one, I charge them my normal hourly session rate - close to $200. For one hour. For just one person doing the surrogate tapping. Two if the client taps with me. Compare that to what you pay in this club to have a whole group of people tapping for an hour on your loved one! Powerful and affordable.
The Surrogate Tapping Club is, like the name says, a club. It's not a course or a program. It works because its members are committed and participate regularly, aware that each person's contribution to the energy being created is important.
If you choose a 4x4 or 8x8 group, you will be put in contact with three or seven other people, respectively, in a compatible time zone. It will be up to you to set your schedule so that over the course of the month, you will as a group have met on Zoom often enough that each one of you gets a turn to be or to choose the surrogate tapping target. In a group of 4? Meet 4 times. You can agree between you to meet twice a week for two weeks, once a week for 4 weeks, or do all four sessions in one weekend. You can even choose to allow for two sessions each as long as you do enough in total that every member of your group gets an equal number of turns. For a group of 4 to get two turns each, you would need to do 8 sessions. Members subscribed to 8x8 groups get three months to do their 8 sessions, giving them more time to coordinate a larger group - but they are absolutely free to double the number of sessions or triple them - within that three months.
In addition to these member-guided groups, there will be a large all-member tapping circle which will be hosted and led by Naomi every month. The purpose of this large monthly group is to work with the power of the biggest number of us to tap collectively for someone - a new person each time, nominated and voted on by the members. Perhaps it's someone who holds the power to make a difference to the world, making bad decisions due to personal trauma. Maybe it's a politician who is too scared of angering corporate donors to put forward earth-friendly policies. Maybe it's an exhausted hero already making a positive difference, who needs energetic help and support. Or maybe it's the victim of a crime that's been all over the news and our hearts go out to them... The members decide each month!
If you choose a 4x4 or 8x8 group, you will be put in contact with three or seven other people, respectively, in a compatible time zone. It will be up to you to set your schedule so that over the course of the month, you will as a group have met on Zoom often enough that each one of you gets a turn to be or to choose the surrogate tapping target. In a group of 4? Meet 4 times. You can agree between you to meet twice a week for two weeks, once a week for 4 weeks, or do all four sessions in one weekend. You can even choose to allow for two sessions each as long as you do enough in total that every member of your group gets an equal number of turns. For a group of 4 to get two turns each, you would need to do 8 sessions. Members subscribed to 8x8 groups get three months to do their 8 sessions, giving them more time to coordinate a larger group - but they are absolutely free to double the number of sessions or triple them - within that three months.
In addition to these member-guided groups, there will be a large all-member tapping circle which will be hosted and led by Naomi every month. The purpose of this large monthly group is to work with the power of the biggest number of us to tap collectively for someone - a new person each time, nominated and voted on by the members. Perhaps it's someone who holds the power to make a difference to the world, making bad decisions due to personal trauma. Maybe it's a politician who is too scared of angering corporate donors to put forward earth-friendly policies. Maybe it's an exhausted hero already making a positive difference, who needs energetic help and support. Or maybe it's the victim of a crime that's been all over the news and our hearts go out to them... The members decide each month!
- Join immediately as a 1x1 member - or - if you choose to be in a 4x4 or 8x8 group, you will be put on a 4x4 or 8x8 waiting list.
- As soon as there are enough people on the waitlist to form the group you want to be in, an invitation to join will be emailed to you.
- You will have 48 hours to accept the invitation by completing checkout. Keep an eye on your inbox and spam folder for this invitation because when the 48 hours is up, your place will be offered to the next person in the line and that could mean having to wait for the next group to form.
- When you have completed the checkout process, you will receive an email with the login details to access your membership page. On that page you will find a list of groups in your category, with names and emails of each person in each group. Your place in each queue (1-4 in the 4x4 group and 1-8 in the 8x8 group) will determine who you can switch places with from other groups should you want to change groups for one session or permanently for scheduling reasons. (If your name has not appeared yet, check back in a day or so)
- Mark your calendar to remind you of the upcoming all-member monthly surrogate tapping group Zooms so you don't miss them!
- Send an email to everyone in your group introducing yourself and agree together on the times for your Zoom sessions.
- Decide who you want your group to tap for when it's your turn.
The all-member large surrogate tapping group that takes place each month will be held at whichever times suit the most members around the world.
All other groups meet whenever the members in them agree to schedule them. To make this as easy as possible, we will try to group people according to their time zones.
All other groups meet whenever the members in them agree to schedule them. To make this as easy as possible, we will try to group people according to their time zones.
As with most clubs, there are a few simple rules to guide and ensure a fair and positive experience for everyone. To guarantee that each person in a group gets their turn to have the whole group focused on them, we admit members at the 4x4 and 8x8 levels in exact numbers needed to fill those groups. Everyone else can be waitlisted or admitted at a lower membership level until there are enough people for another group, at which point they will be invited to join - whichever they prefer.
If someone in a 4x4 or 8x8 group has to miss a session, they can ask to be swapped with someone in the same position in line (for example 3rd in line) in another group that is meeting at a time they can attend. They must give at least 48 hours notice, however. If no one can be found to swap with them, they can offer their spot to someone on the waiting list.
If someone misses a session altogether, and it wasn't the session in which it was their turn, in fairness to the others in their group, they will be replaced for the duration of the cycle with someone from the waiting list and won't get a refund. They will, however, still be able to attend the monthly all-member surrogate tapping group and will be able to rejoin their group at the next billing cycle if they want to remain a member.
There are three levels of membership, allowing you to choose the right mix of commitment and benefit for you, so that what you agree to does truly fit your situation.
If someone in a 4x4 or 8x8 group has to miss a session, they can ask to be swapped with someone in the same position in line (for example 3rd in line) in another group that is meeting at a time they can attend. They must give at least 48 hours notice, however. If no one can be found to swap with them, they can offer their spot to someone on the waiting list.
If someone misses a session altogether, and it wasn't the session in which it was their turn, in fairness to the others in their group, they will be replaced for the duration of the cycle with someone from the waiting list and won't get a refund. They will, however, still be able to attend the monthly all-member surrogate tapping group and will be able to rejoin their group at the next billing cycle if they want to remain a member.
There are three levels of membership, allowing you to choose the right mix of commitment and benefit for you, so that what you agree to does truly fit your situation.
FOR THE LAUNCH: Everyone on the waitlist will be emailed when registration is open on March 14. You will have 48 hours to decide on which membership you want (you can always change your mind before the next billing cycle) and to join. As soon as you join, you will be put in a group and be given the contact info for the others in your group so you can schedule your sessions. An introductory video will be provided explaining how to do surrogate tapping and how to run your groups, so you can all jump right in and be amazing from the word go. Additionally, you'll be able to see the schedule for the monthly all-member surrogate tapping session Zooms with Naomi.
Take a look at the options below.
Take a look at the options below.
Q: What if the person I want to surrogate tap for hasn't given their permission?
A: Before each session, an intention is set for permission to be granted or denied at the level of Higher Self by the person being tapped for. This way we stay in alignment with what is ethical and right.
Q: I've never done surrogate tapping before! How will I learn?
A: Members get access to instruction on how to coordinate sessions, set up Zoom, and even do surrogate tapping the right way. While it will be up to each person to show up for their group, groups will get lots of help to make sure they are off to a good start. In the meantime - go HERE for a quick tutorial.
Q: What if I only want to join for one month?
A: Anyone can leave the club at any time by unsubscribing and they won't be billed again. If you are a 4x4 member, you must unsubscribe before your next billing cycle (1 month after you join) and if you are an 8x8 member, you must unsubscribe before your next billing cycle (3 months after you join), in order to avoid paying again. While we ask that you commit to the number of sessions in the group you have chosen, regardless of whether you get to be first in line to be the tapping target, if you do want to leave before the cycle is up and everyone has had a turn, you can tell us you want to leave and we will do our best to replace you with someone on the waiting list.
Q: Why should I pay for this when I can arrange it for free with friends?
A: By being a member of a club, what you get is the accountability factor. Everyone in your group has paid to be there so the chances of someone "flaking" are reduced. And if someone in your group does have to miss a session, we work to replace them - either by swapping them with another group member or by bringing in someone from the waitlist, so that everyone gets the experience they signed up for. It's a lot of admin that you don't, as a member, have to worry about. Plus, you get to attend the monthly group surrogate tapping sessions and learn while being part of something powerful!
Q: Once I'm allocated to a group, can I change groups?
A: You can change groups for one or more sessions as long as we can find someone from another group of the same type and in the same position in the queue, for you to change places with. The alternative is to trade places with someone on the waiting list. You won't be refunded for the time you have left on your month or quarter cycle but you will be put at the top of the waiting list so that you will be in the next group admitted. And that might be a day later or three weeks later, depending on how quickly people join.
Q: Can I get friends who aren't trained in EFT to join?
A: While this is primarily a club for people trained in EFT, if you are and you have 3 untrained friends (wanting a 4x4 membership) or 7 untrained friends (wanting an 8x8 membership) as long as one trained person is in the group to keep an eye on things, we will admit you as a group.
Q: When it's my turn, can I have the group tap for my own issue?
A: Absolutely! When it's your turn, you decide what the group taps on - and that can even be YOU. In fact, if it's you, you don't have to even be there. You can give your group a few notes to start them off and then sign off. They will record the session for you to watch later.
Q: Can I change my type of membership once I have joined?
A: Any time you like. You may have to wait until there are enough waitlist people to form the kind of group you want if it's a 4x4 or 8x8 you want to switch to - but already being a member gives you priority over people waiting to join so it will be faster. If you are already in a 4x4 or 8x8 group and want to switch to 1x1 there is no waiting period. You won't be refunded any remaining time on your existing membership but you won't be billed again for it.
A: Before each session, an intention is set for permission to be granted or denied at the level of Higher Self by the person being tapped for. This way we stay in alignment with what is ethical and right.
Q: I've never done surrogate tapping before! How will I learn?
A: Members get access to instruction on how to coordinate sessions, set up Zoom, and even do surrogate tapping the right way. While it will be up to each person to show up for their group, groups will get lots of help to make sure they are off to a good start. In the meantime - go HERE for a quick tutorial.
Q: What if I only want to join for one month?
A: Anyone can leave the club at any time by unsubscribing and they won't be billed again. If you are a 4x4 member, you must unsubscribe before your next billing cycle (1 month after you join) and if you are an 8x8 member, you must unsubscribe before your next billing cycle (3 months after you join), in order to avoid paying again. While we ask that you commit to the number of sessions in the group you have chosen, regardless of whether you get to be first in line to be the tapping target, if you do want to leave before the cycle is up and everyone has had a turn, you can tell us you want to leave and we will do our best to replace you with someone on the waiting list.
Q: Why should I pay for this when I can arrange it for free with friends?
A: By being a member of a club, what you get is the accountability factor. Everyone in your group has paid to be there so the chances of someone "flaking" are reduced. And if someone in your group does have to miss a session, we work to replace them - either by swapping them with another group member or by bringing in someone from the waitlist, so that everyone gets the experience they signed up for. It's a lot of admin that you don't, as a member, have to worry about. Plus, you get to attend the monthly group surrogate tapping sessions and learn while being part of something powerful!
Q: Once I'm allocated to a group, can I change groups?
A: You can change groups for one or more sessions as long as we can find someone from another group of the same type and in the same position in the queue, for you to change places with. The alternative is to trade places with someone on the waiting list. You won't be refunded for the time you have left on your month or quarter cycle but you will be put at the top of the waiting list so that you will be in the next group admitted. And that might be a day later or three weeks later, depending on how quickly people join.
Q: Can I get friends who aren't trained in EFT to join?
A: While this is primarily a club for people trained in EFT, if you are and you have 3 untrained friends (wanting a 4x4 membership) or 7 untrained friends (wanting an 8x8 membership) as long as one trained person is in the group to keep an eye on things, we will admit you as a group.
Q: When it's my turn, can I have the group tap for my own issue?
A: Absolutely! When it's your turn, you decide what the group taps on - and that can even be YOU. In fact, if it's you, you don't have to even be there. You can give your group a few notes to start them off and then sign off. They will record the session for you to watch later.
Q: Can I change my type of membership once I have joined?
A: Any time you like. You may have to wait until there are enough waitlist people to form the kind of group you want if it's a 4x4 or 8x8 you want to switch to - but already being a member gives you priority over people waiting to join so it will be faster. If you are already in a 4x4 or 8x8 group and want to switch to 1x1 there is no waiting period. You won't be refunded any remaining time on your existing membership but you won't be billed again for it.